Williamsburg WEATHER

New Sefer Avda d’Malka, Teachings from the Kossover Rebbe, zt”l, Will Transform Yamim Nora’im

New Sefer Avda d’Malka, Teachings from the Kossover Rebbe, zt”l, Will Transform Yamim Nora’im

By Y. S. Gold

The chassidishe world is greeting with excitement the newly-released sefer Avda d’Malka with teachings from the Kossover Rebbe, zt”l, who has recently left this world—a sefer that will infuse every Yid who learns from it with an elevated outlook upon the holy days that are upon us, the avodah that is expected of us during this time, and enflame the hearts of its readers toward teshuvah and rectification. 

It is well known that the Kossover Rebbe was an exceptional orator who inspired thousands with his encyclopedic knowledge of Torah—both the hidden as well as the revealed. He would regularly speak about the deep meaning of Shabbos, the meaning of Yom Tov, a true feeling in a Yom Tov and in avodas Hashem, the meaning of coronating the Ribbono shel Olam on the exalted day of Rosh Hashanah, and the proper attitudes that we must have as we approach the Days of Awe. 

The Rebbe’s derashos and writings on these important themes were all brought together in this incredible sefer Avda d’Malka on Chodesh Tishrei. The sefer is brought to print by Machon Safah Berura, which has been publishing the Rebbe’s Torah for many years now. 

This edition was dedicated by Reb Benzion Lebovits, a major patron of the Kossover court, in memory of his father, Reb Yechiel Lebovits, z”l. It is named the Zichron Yechiel, in his name, and the sefer is sure to bring a new light, illuminating these exalted days for thousands of Yidden around the world.  

Photo Gallery: Wedding for Grandson of the Skolya Rebbe
  • Sep 24 2024
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  • 9:03 AM

Photo Gallery: Vort for Grandson of the Dinev Rebbe with Daughter of the Tiferes Eliezer Rov
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  • 2:11 PM

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