BDE: Rav Shia Banda, z”l
YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Rav Shimon Yehoshua Banda, an legendary eved Hashem, originally from Yerushalayim, transplanted to Williamsburg—a Yid who spent his days and nights immersed in Torah and avodah. He was around 80 years of age.
Rav Yehoshua hailed from generations of Yerushalmi Yidden of Ashkenazic descent, and he came to America in the 1980’s for medical treatment for one of his children.
Already in his youth, he was known as a ben aliyah, and Gedolei Yisroel foretold his future greatness.
The niftar would sit in Shul all day, immersed in Torah and avodah. This went on for decades, until his last years. Even on Shabbos, he would remain learning in Shul all day, and return home shortly before mincha to eat the seuda, and immediately return to Shul for shalosh seudos.
His davening was legendary. It would take many hours, and he would exert himself tremendously during his davening. His recitation of Shir Hashirim on Friday nights was likewise legendary in its sweetness and fervor.
For many years, he traveled to tzaddikim of the generation for weeks at a time—continuing on in his avodah in the courts of the holy tzaddikim of Toldos Aaron, Pshevorsk, Spinka, and Tosh, all of whom accorded him honor and recognition.
Those who knew him relate that Rav Shia had nothing to do with Olam Hazeh, and it had nothing to do with him—he was completely elevated from all of it.
In later years, he resided at the Aishel Avraham home, and there too, his avodas Hashem shone through to all the residents and visitors.
Rav Shia was niftar Thursday night, leaving behind beautiful generations, and an incredible legacy of avodas Hashem.
The levaya will take place this morning at 11:30 in front of the Satmar Beis Medrash, 152 Rodney Street.
Yehi zichro baruch.