Sons of Pshevorsk Williamsburg Ruv Zt"l Appointed to Continue his Rabbanus

By Y.M. Lowy
After the passing of Rabbi Moshe Aharon Reich zt”l, of Pshevorsk Williamsburg, his two eldest sons were appointed to continue his rabbanus.
During a nichum aveilim visit at the Rav’s home in Antwerp, Rabbi Chaim Yosef Dovid Weiss shlit”a, Dayan of Satmar Antwerp, appointed Rabbi Naftali Elimelech Reich shlit”a, the eldest son, as the new Rav of the Pshevorsk community in Antwerp. The second son, Rabbi Itzik’l Reich shlit”a, was announced the Rav of the Williamsburg Bais Medrash.
Rabbi Reich zt”l established two batei midrashim during his lifetime. While residing in Williamsburg, he founded Bais Moshe Aharon Pshevorsk. Upon his return to Antwerp, he entrusted the Williamsburg Bais Medrash to Rabbi Itzik’l Reich shlit”a and, with the assistance of his eldest son, opened a new Pshevorsk Bais Medrash in Antwerp.