Williamsburg WEATHER

BDE: Rav Yitzchok Elya Shlome Turnheim Avad Volbrauz d’Krakow

BDE: Rav Yitzchok Elya Shlome Turnheim Avad Volbrauz d’Krakow


We regret to inform you of the passing of Rav Yitzchok Elya Shlome Turnheim, the rov of the Volbruz-d’Krakow shul in Boro Park for many years, and in later years in Williamsburg. He was 96 years of age. 

The niftar was born in the year 1929 in Yerushalayim to his father, Rav Nesanel Chaim, who was killed when wild youths threw a rock into the Marmarosher Shul on Simchas Torah of 1950. He was descended from the Avodas Yisaschar of Volbruz. 

After his marriage, he resided in Tel Aviv, where he spent much time in the court of the previous Belzer Rov. 

In later years, he came to America and opened Kehal Volbruz d’Krakow on 60th Street which was an outpost of Torah and tefillah. 

Rav Turnheim’s entire essence was Torah. During his years in Boro Park, he would spend the entire day—from 4:00 in the morning until 11:00 at night—toiling in Torah in the Satmar Beis Medrash on 53rd Street. 

He was an extraordinary talmid chochom who loved Torah with a burning love—but this did not impede his exceptional dedication to chessed and tzedakah. He would send large sums of money to Eretz Yisroel and he was always there for anyone in need. 

In his last years, he moved to Williamsburg. He was a bit weakened, but he nevertheless carried on with his avodas hakodesh, sitting and learning until his last days. 

With his petirah, the niftar leaves behind a large and illustrious family. 

The levaya will take place at 10:30 this morning in front of the Satmar Beis Medrash on Hooper Street. 

Yehi zichro Baruch. 

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