Williamsburg WEATHER

BDE: Rav Moshe Aaron Reich, zt”l, ABD Pshevorsk-Williamsburg

BDE: Rav Moshe Aaron Reich, zt”l, ABD Pshevorsk-Williamsburg


We regret to inform you of the petirah of Rav Moshe Aaron Reich, zt”l, ABD Pshevorsk-Williamsburg—a ba’al chessed of the highest order. He was 77 years of age and was niftar in Antwerp, Belgium. 

The niftar was born to his father Reb Avrohom Shimon and his mother Rivkah, and became the son in law of Rav Yankele Leiser of Pshevorsk. He merited to be drawn close to his grandfather, Rebbe Itzikl of Pshevorsk. 

Following the passing of his father in law, he moved to Williamsburg where he established the Pshevorsker Beis Medrash. 

Throughout his years, Rav Moshe Aaron had a special dedication to the mitzvah of hachnosas orchim with extraordinary devotion. He went above and beyond to make his guests feel comfortable. 

His Rebbetzin, Sarah Chanah Pesil was nifteres during the Coronavirus epidemic, and the Rov began to suffer from health problems around that time. 

He returned his neshamah to its maker over Shabbos in Antwerp, following a lifetime of devotion to his fellow Yidden. 

The levaya will take place in Antwerp on Sunday morning. 

Yehi zichro baruch.

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